
“I’ve been (in this org) for a decade. The NWOW (New Ways of Working) vision development that Nina led was the first time my voice was included. This is what NWOW is. Living up to our core values. Employees see this in action. More participation. More of your voice being heard. More opportunities … not being siloed in your division, giving you time to reach out and work with others.”

— Health Organization Employee


Let’s make the future together.

You are capable of doing anything that you dream of.

What is your dream? What do you need to do to get there — build bridges across silos? Improve relationships and data interoperability for advanced intelligent systems? Foster a culture of care and connection?

Whatever your dream may be, you have to hold space for it. Let's hold space, together. Drop me a note!

“I could have never gotten this level of interaction out of these folks if you hadn’t done this coaching workshop.”

— Chief Information Officer, Regulatory Financial Authority

“Nina always bas been ‘ahead of her time’ —  her passions and positive touch on the world!”

— Cheryl Kleiman, Regional Vice President, Flexential